Tag: Greene King

Beerlonging 10 | Herding Cats


This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. This month we’re talking about changes that breweries are making to the way they distribute beer

We’ve no guest this month, instead we answer all of your listener questions (thanks to everyone who submitted a question)


Mark | Northern Monk ‘Brethren’ / De Molen ‘Hemel & Aarde’ / Thirst Class ‘Barley Wine MMXX’

Rob | Thirst Class ‘American Brown’ / Kernel ‘Pale Ale Chinook’ / Wilderness ‘Tear It Down’

Steve | New Invention Brewing ‘West Coast Pale’ / Morland (Greene King) ‘Old Master Hen’ / Thornbridge ‘Days of Creation’


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Rob | Twitter | Instgram | Web

Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web


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Credits // Original music by Rob Edwards // Intro by Dani Carberry // Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

Beerlonging 02 | I Just Like Pubs

This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. This month we’re talking about the growing number of breweries and pubs that are closing

Our industry guest this month is award winning writer David Jesudason


Mark | Brouwerij Van Viven ‘Smoked Porter’ / Torrside ‘Persist and Resist’ / Cheshire Brewhouse ‘Gibraltar Porter’

Rob | Play Brew Co ‘Dog Bite’ / Burnt Mill ‘Green Path’ / Brasserie d’Orval ‘Orval’

Steve | Two By Two ‘Whipper Snapper’ / Duration ‘Seeds Sleep In The Darkness’ / Greene King ‘Suffolk Springer’

David Jesudason

David’s work can be found here, and you can find him on Twitter and Instagram


Leave us a voicemail here

Follow us

Mark | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Rob | Twitter | Instgram | Web

Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web



Original music by Rob Edwards

Intro by Dani Carberry

Artwork by Clayton Chisholm