Category: Hopinions (Page 19 of 21)

Hopinions 19 “Decisions, decisions”

This week we return to our ‘second studio’ Brewdog Shoreditch to record a collab within a crossover with a guest! We’re joined by Michael Lalley of Bushcraft Beer and Stu McKinley from Yeastie Boys to discuss the things that influence our buying decisions.

Blog | Michael’s ‘Three Bullet Tuesday’ that was the catalyst for this week’s show

Beer | Brewdog ‘Small Batch 90 Shilling’

Hopinions | What most influences your beer buying decisions?


We’re really grateful to Brewdog Shoreditch for hosting us again and to Stu & Todd for plying us with beer all night. This may or may nor have affect our views on a number of subjects…

Hopinions 18 “Revitalisation”

This week we’re straight from a British Guild of Beer Writers event with the CAMRA Revitalisation Committee to talk about what’s next for CAMRA.

Beers | Bude Brewery ‘Haven’ amber ale, ‘Porthbud’ pale ale & ‘Black Rock’ porter

Hopinions | In today’s beer world, is CAMRA still needed?

Blogs | Myles talks FOMO, Beer Manchester considers his ‘local’ and Martin reviews ‘Around The Tube in 80 Pubs’

Prizeless Prize | The best picture ever from Steve, who finally wins his first big box of nothing


We’ve been sent these beers for free by the folk at Bude Brewery but this hasn’t influenced our thoughts on them.

Hopinions 17 “The Ten Untappd Commandments (Part I)”

This week is the first part of the beer podcast crossover event of 2017 as we sit down with Ross & Tom from Beernomicon to talk through the first five Untappd Commandments.

Beer | Throughout the recording we enjoyed ‘1048’, ‘1060’, ‘1064’ & ‘1070’ from the wood courtesy of Beer Nouveau

Hopinions | This week’s question was courtesy of Mark (@millionbevs)Does social media (inc Untappd) encourage unhealthy drinking to maintain social interaction?

Interview | We chat to Steve from Beer Nouveau about recreating old recipes and putting them in wood

Part II | Make sure to tune into Beernomicon to listen to the remaining Untappd Commandments


We are grateful to Steve for providing us his brewery tap room and the beers for this recording for free. This hasn’t influenced our thoughts on the beers that we featured.

Hopinions 16 “Festival Overload?”

As the aftershocks of #CaskGate continue to rumble on, this week we turn our attentions to the growing number of craft beer festivals in the UK.

Beer | Hawkshead/Cigar City ‘Tiramisu Imperial Stout’ & Siren/Cigar City ‘Barrel Aged Caribbean Chocolate Cake’

Hopinions | Is the UK reaching craft beer festival saturation point?

Blogs | Pete Brown, KM Flett, Connor Murphy & The Malting Floor

Prizeless Prize | Cask ale features heavily in this big box of nothing winning effort from Million Bevs

Letters | Our new listener-only letters (by which we mean tweets) section features contributions from @CraftBeerGeekUK, @SilanderGraham & @Katrinnas

Hopinions 15 “Looking Forward”

We’re back for 2017 with a huge show to get the year going! Will it all be #CaskGate and Murk Bombs?

Beers | Theakston ‘Distiller’s Cask Range’, Wylam ‘Solar Terminator’ & Brewdog ‘Hop Shot’

Hopinions | What do you think will be the biggest beer trend this year?

Blogs | #CaskGate – this handy round up by Pete McKerry

Prizeless Prize | A cracking effort from regular winner Shaun Smith


Many thanks to Mark Johnson for provided our new tag line for the website, social profiles and most importantly, the start of the show!

Hopinions 14 “Trilogies”

file_000099It’s the final part of our Golden Pints 2016 Trilogy and in this mammoth episode we look at Best UK Brewery, Best Overseas Brewery, Best New Brewery of 2016, Best Pub/Bar/Taproom, Independent Retailer of the Year, Online Retailer of the Year and Beer Festival of the Year.

Beer | Fullers Past Masters 1910 Double Stout & Vintage Ale 2015

Hopinions | Can you name your brewery of 2016 & Can you name your favourite pub/bar and/or taproom of 2016?

Blogs | Matt Chinnery’s Beery Advent & the Irish Beer Snobs #BeeryChats

Prizeless Prize | Congrats to our podcasting pals Beernomincon for a first time win of the big box of nothing

Coming Soon | #12BeersofXmas – everything you need to know about getting involved

Interview | Dave Stone from Wylam Brewery

We’ll be back in 2017 with more #Hopinions, thanks to all of our listeners for your continued support and engagement throughout 2016.

Hopinions 13 “Train Beers”

file_000In our latest show we’re joined by guest and friend of the show Clayton Chisholm as  we look back at an amazing Crimbo Crawl in Newcastle and discuss train beers.

It’s also the second part of our Golden Pints trilogy in which winners for #TrainBeer, Supermarket, Branding, Blog/Website, Beery Podcast and the Simon Johnson Award for Best Beer Twitterer are decided.

Beer | No beer this week, just hangovers with tea & coffee

Hopinions | #TrainBeers – best place to get them

Blogs | Myles Lambert on #TrainBeers

Prizeless Prize | We left the big box of nothing in Newcastle for Myles Lambert

Hopinions 12 “Beer of the Year”

file_000-2This week is all about the trilogy! We start off our Golden Pints by looking back at our beers of 2016.

Beer | Northern Monk Trilogy ‘Yeast’ (with Cigar City Brewing), ‘Hops’ (with Epic Brewing) and ‘Malt’ (with De Molen)

Hopinions | Can you name your beer of 2016?

Prizeless Prize | Congrats to first time winner Andrew Henderson

Podcast | Check out the Beernomicon episode with Northern Monk for more insight on the trilogy series

Blog | Another cracker from Pete McKerry

Hopinions 11 “Craft”

file_000In an episode that closes our current story arc, we discuss whether there really needs to be a definition for craft beer in the UK.

Beers | Nobby’s Brewery Best Bitter & American Pale Ale

Hopinions | Does craft beer really need a definition?

Blogs | Mark Johnson, Pete McKerry and Sarah Finney

Link | Relief from Alcohol Products Tax for beer produced in qualifying microbreweries

Prizeless Prize | Sparkrite is back on form to claim his second big box of nothing in recent weeks

Interview | We chat to Spencer & Richard from Hofmeister

Hopinions 10 “Rites of Passage”

image1-2This week we’re talking about the Rites of Passage through beer. What does you journey look like and is it important?

Beers | Fullers ‘Black Cab Stout’, Bob & Sarah Maxfield’s homebrewed DIPA & Liberty Brewing Co ‘Knife Party IPA’

Hopinions | If you go back to the start of your beer journey knowing all that you know now, would your journey be different?

Blogs | Mark Johnson, Pete McKerry and Matt Curtis

Prizeless Prize | Some people will literally go to the ends of the earth to win this thing. Congrats Clayton Chisholm for this stunning pic.

Next week | Do we need a definition for craft beer & beers from Nobby’s Brewery


The Maxfields gave us their hombrew DIPA and it was amazing. The fact it was given to us didn’t change our opinion on just how good it was.

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