Category: Hopinions (Page 14 of 21)

Hopinions 61 “Manchester”

In our latest show we enjoy a few beers while taking a look back at our recent trip to Manchester and discussing the future of CAMRA

Beers | Cloudwater ‘Small Citra Simcoe Pale’, The Kernel ‘Pale Ale Citra’, Magic Rock ‘Hedonic Escalation’, Lagunitas ‘The Waldos’ Special Ale’ and Beer Nouveau ‘Salacia Cabreuva’

Hopinions | Is Manchester now the beer capital of the UK? | In light of yesterday’s CAMRA vote what does this mean for its future as an organisation that represents beer drinkers?

Beer Festival Links | Lock & Key Beer Con | Festival of Brewers | London Brewers’ Alliance Craft Beer Festival

Blogs | Mark Johnson | Boak & Bailey

The Ale Lady |  Said this…


Many thanks to the folks at Lagunitas for sending us The Waldos’ Special to try for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts on the beer. Thanks also to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week.

Hopinions on Films | Avengers Assemble

Suit up, grab a beer and join us for one of the greatest superhero movies of all time. This time we get stuck into Marvel’s Avengers Assemble as we work our way through a selection of beers that we’ve put together for this episode.

We tried to drink the beers in the most sensible(?!?) order, potentially linking them to the film at points…

Yellowbelly ‘Citra Pale Ale’ | Available from Honest Brew*

Summer Wine ‘Diablo’ | Available from all good bottle shops/online stores

Rodenbach ‘Grand Gru’ | Available from Beer Merchants

Weird Beard ‘Collabageddon 17’ | Limited release, probably not available any more

Unity ‘Amalgamation’ | Available from Honest Brew*

Tring ‘Death or Glory’ | Available from Tring Brewery

Weird Beard/Time & Tide | Limited release, probably not available any more

Signature Brew ‘Anthology’ | Available from Honest Brew*

Carlsberg ‘Special Brew’ | Available from all good corner shops, offies and park benches


*These beers were sent to us for free by Honest Brew but this hasn’t influenced our thoughts on them or on just how amazing Avengers Assemble and the entire Marvel Universe is.

Outro from The Screen Team, check out the full version and more on YouTube here

Image courtesy of @Clayfiish

Hopinions 60 “Rewind”

After a recording break, we’re back with a mighty show covering all of the big news stories, four (count em) polls and some beers from Signature Brew.

Beers | Signature Brew ‘Studio Pilsner’, ‘Roadie’, ‘Backstage IPA’, ‘Nightliner’, ‘Treble’ and ‘Anthology’

Hopinions | Should breweries/pubs push St George’s Day like they do St Patrick’s Day?With beer festival season well underway what’s your thoughts on children at beer festivals?Are supermarkets letting things slip in relation to how they look after beer?When you see DIPA what’s your current expectation?


Many thanks to the folks from Signature Brew for sending us these beers for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts on the beer. 

Hopinions 59 “The Pub”

This week we are back at the Victoria Inn in Colchester where we are joined by landlord and landlady Andy & Sheena and their bar manager Richard. We talk all things pub and almost forget about the beer that we’re drinking.

Beers | East London Brewery ‘Cowcatcher’ (cask)

Hopinions | What do you look for in a pub?

Sparklers | Episode can be found here


Thanks to Andy, Sheena & Richard for letting us use their pub to record this week. We didn’t have to pay for the space and the beers were on the house but this didn’t influence our thoughts on what a great pub the Victoria Inn is or just how sessionable the Cowcatcher was. Even if it was on cask. If you’re ever in Colchester, make sure to visit the Victoria Inn and follow them on Faceboook for up to date news and events.

Hopinions 58 “Sessionable”

This week our focus is on the lower end of the ABV scale as we feature 5 beers ranging from 2.9% to 4.2%.

Beers | The Kernel ‘Table Beer’, Summer Wine ‘Pico Diego’, Gipsy Hill ‘Simcoe’, Track ‘Sonoma’ & Adnams ‘Blackshore Stout’

Hopinions | Are there enough good session beers around or is it just about the big ABV now?


Thanks to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week.

Hopinions 57 “Ones To Watch”

This week we’ve teamed up with Beerbods to bring you the ‘Ones to Watch 2018’ box. However, 12 beers in one night is too much for even us to get through so we drafted in some help from Justin Mason & Matt Chinnery to help us get through the box.

Beers | Velvet Owl Brewing Co ‘Old Sport’, 71 Brewing ‘Rhuby Weiss’, Burnt Mill ‘Pintle Pale Ale’, Good Things Brewing Co ‘Hazy Pale’, Tap Social Movement ‘Grebe’s Procession’, Northern Whisper ‘Yammerhouse’, Boat Lane Brewery ‘Phantom Falls’, The Kiln Brewery ‘Breakout’, Lithic Brewery ‘Pilsner’, Unbarred ‘IPA’, West By Three ‘Grisette’ & Ampersand ‘Middle Road’

Hopinions | Do you have a beer subscription?


Many thanks to the folks at Beerbods for sending us this box for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts on the beers. Thanks also to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week.

Hopinions 56 “The Dark Side”

This week, we’re joined by Mark, Ashley and Tom from the Men Beerhaving podcast to take a walk on the dark side of beer.

Beers | Beavertown ‘Black Betty’, Magic Rock ‘Dark Arts’, Guinness ‘1798’, Innis & Gunn ‘Vanishing Point 01’ and Brewdog ‘Death or Glory’

Hopinions | Dark beers | Does barrel ageing make a beer better?

Men Beerhaving Badly | Episode 20 featuring our appearance on ‘Guest Ales’ can be found here and make sure to subscribe/follow the chaps on your podcast/social media platform of choice


Many thanks to the folks from Innis & Gunn for sending us the Vanishing Point 01 for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts on the beer. 

Hopinions 55 “Changes”

In this week’s epic show, we chat about great beers we’ve had recently, put things on lists, revisit the Ten Untappd Commandments and go back to some breweries and beers that we’ve featured before.

Beers | Renegade Brewery ‘Snake Oil’, Elusive Brewing ‘Invisible Wall’, Siren ‘Acid Jam’ & White Hag ‘Black Boar’

Hopinions | Has your use of Untappd changed since you first started using it?

Other polls | Pete McKerry | Greg Avola (Untappd) | Beernomicon

Links | Shortlist article | Bradley Cummings Manifesto | Cheshire Brewhouse crowdfunder


Many thanks to Matt from Renegade Brewery, Andy from Elusive Brew and the folks at White Hag for sending us these beers for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts. Thanks also to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week.

Hopinions 54 “Fresh”

We’re back with another season and in this episode we cover off the major news stories of the last month and dig into a number of hopinions.

Beers | Fyne Ales Origins Brewing ‘Goodnight, Summer’, ‘Pandora’, ‘Amphora’ & ‘Kilkerran Wee Heavy’

Hopinions | How important is freshness to you? | What do you think will be the beer style of 2018? | In 2018, will you visit the pub…?

Link | CAMRA Revitalisation


Many thanks to the folks from Fyne Ales for sending us the Origins bottles for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts on the beer. Thanks also to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week.

The Tasting Room

Welcome to The Tasting Room. For this Hopinions #Tryanuary special, we’re joined by Justin Mason as we work our way through a number of beers that are new to us all.

Beers | Boundary/Honest Brew ‘Of the Hills’, Downstream ‘Hybrid IPL’, Cheshire Brewhouse ‘Lupy as a Toucan’, ‘Govinda (Chevallier Edition)’, ‘Govinda (Organic Plumage Archer Edition)’, ‘Conger Tun Ale’ and Fyne Ales/De Molen ‘Cold Brew Mills & Hills’

Links | Irish Beer Report Episode 5 | Downstream Information | Govinda | Hopinions 27 (ft original Fyne Ales Mills & Hills)


Many thanks to the folks from Honest Brew, Ireland Craft Beers, Cheshire Brewhouse and Fyne Ales for sending us these beers to try for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts on the beers. Thanks also to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week.

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