Tag: Torrside

Beerlonging 13 | Sense of Belonging


This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. After an extended summer break, we’re back and talking about what we’ve been up to since the last show and looking back over the first year of Beerlonging

Our guest this month is Danny McColl from MColl’s Brewery


Mark |  Fierce Beer ‘Export 80 Shilling Scotch Ale’ / Schlenkerla ‘Aecht Schelenkerla Erle’ / Torrside ‘Heavy Rauch’

Rob | Burnt Mill ‘Imperial Measures’ / Duration ‘Harvest’ / Indie Rabble/Two Flints ‘Neighbours’

Steve | Up Front Brewing ‘ The Isle of Mixed Ferm’ / Adnams ‘Innovation’ / De Struise Browers ‘ Sint Amatus – Oostvleteren 12’


Men’s Pie Club

Emma Inch’s Same Again Podcast


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Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web


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Credits // Original music by Rob Edwards // Intro by Dani Carberry // Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

Beerlonging 03 | But Is The Beer Any Good?


Photo: Mark Johnson

This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. This month we’re talking about the Good Beer Guide and if it actually does what is says on the cover

Our guest this month is Sophie Grunwell from Lost & Grounded Brewery


Mark | Attic ‘English IPA’ / St Mars of the Desert ‘Babayaga’ / Buxton ‘Sede Vacante’

Rob | Datum Attitude ‘Blackwater’ / Brew York ‘Empress Tonkoko’ / Thornbridge/Mikkeller ‘Three of Diamonds’

Steve | Torrside ‘American Barley Wine 2020’ / Lost & Grounded ‘No Rest For Dancers’ / Fuller’s ‘Vintage Ale 2021’

Sophie Grunwell

Sophie’s blog can be found here and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram


Leave us a voicemail here

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Mark | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Rob | Twitter | Instgram | Web

Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Many thanks to Sophie and Lost and Grounded for gifting us the beers that we enjoyed during our interview. This didn’t influence our thoughts on just how great the beers were.


Original music by Rob Edwards

Intro by Dani Carberry

Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

Beerlonging 02 | I Just Like Pubs

This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. This month we’re talking about the growing number of breweries and pubs that are closing

Our industry guest this month is award winning writer David Jesudason


Mark | Brouwerij Van Viven ‘Smoked Porter’ / Torrside ‘Persist and Resist’ / Cheshire Brewhouse ‘Gibraltar Porter’

Rob | Play Brew Co ‘Dog Bite’ / Burnt Mill ‘Green Path’ / Brasserie d’Orval ‘Orval’

Steve | Two By Two ‘Whipper Snapper’ / Duration ‘Seeds Sleep In The Darkness’ / Greene King ‘Suffolk Springer’

David Jesudason

David’s work can be found here, and you can find him on Twitter and Instagram


Leave us a voicemail here

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Mark | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Rob | Twitter | Instgram | Web

Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web



Original music by Rob Edwards

Intro by Dani Carberry

Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

Beerlonging 01 | Fish Mosaic

This is Beerlonging

The new podcast from the Beer O’clock Show, hosted by Mark Johnson, Rob Edwards and Steve Bentall

Featuring beer chat, beery adventures, reverbeerations and regular industry guests. This month we’re joined by Elusive Brewing Mangaging Director & Friend Of The Show, Ruth Mitchell


Mark | Burning Soul ‘Oni’s Blessing’ / Brew York ‘Imperial Eagle’ / Rigg & Furrow ‘Giant Owl’

Rob | Briarbank ‘Wivenhoe Trail Pale’ / Glasshouse ‘Bringing Seshy Back’ / Brouwerij Verhaeghe ‘Duchess de Bourgogne’

Steve | Torrside ‘Bugbear’ / Verdant & Elusive Brewing ‘Trust The Diagram’ / Guinness ‘Foreign Extra Stout’

Follow us

Mark | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Rob | Twitter | Instgram | Web

Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Credits & Thank Yous

Original music by Rob Edwards

Intro by Dani Carberry

Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

Hopinions 87 “Smokin”

We’re joined by smoked beer fan, blogger and all round nice guy Mark Johnson for this weeks show as we explore what smoked beers can offer.

Beers | Torrside ‘Sto Lat’, ‘Rauchwine’ & ‘Dogs of War: Battalion Bull Terrier (2019.1)’, Runaway Brewery ‘Smoked Porter’, Cloudwater/Against The Grain ‘#www.oooooo.ddd’, Marble ‘Imperial Smoked Grodziskie’ and Elusive Brewing/Emperor’s Brewing ‘Obi Wan Shinobi’

Hopinions | What would you say is the most important ingredient in beer when it comes to the personal taste preferences you look for? | What’s your preference? | Smoked beers…

Links | Mark’s post about Jarl “At Journey’s End” | Torrside Smokefest |

Find Mark Johnson’s blog, ‘Beer Compurgation’ here and make sure to give him a follow on Twitter