This is Beerlonging

The new podcast from the Beer O’clock Show, hosted by Mark Johnson, Rob Edwards and Steve Bentall

Featuring beer chat, beery adventures, reverbeerations and regular industry guests. This month we’re joined by Elusive Brewing Mangaging Director & Friend Of The Show, Ruth Mitchell


Mark | Burning Soul ‘Oni’s Blessing’ / Brew York ‘Imperial Eagle’ / Rigg & Furrow ‘Giant Owl’

Rob | Briarbank ‘Wivenhoe Trail Pale’ / Glasshouse ‘Bringing Seshy Back’ / Brouwerij Verhaeghe ‘Duchess de Bourgogne’

Steve | Torrside ‘Bugbear’ / Verdant & Elusive Brewing ‘Trust The Diagram’ / Guinness ‘Foreign Extra Stout’

Follow us

Mark | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Rob | Twitter | Instgram | Web

Steve | Twitter | Instagram | Web

Credits & Thank Yous

Original music by Rob Edwards

Intro by Dani Carberry

Artwork by Clayton Chisholm