Tag: Renegade

Hopinions 55 “Changes”

In this week’s epic show, we chat about great beers we’ve had recently, put things on lists, revisit the Ten Untappd Commandments and go back to some breweries and beers that we’ve featured before.

Beers | Renegade Brewery ‘Snake Oil’, Elusive Brewing ‘Invisible Wall’, Siren ‘Acid Jam’ & White Hag ‘Black Boar’

Hopinions | Has your use of Untappd changed since you first started using it?

Other polls | Pete McKerry | Greg Avola (Untappd) | Beernomicon

Links | Shortlist article | Bradley Cummings Manifesto | Cheshire Brewhouse crowdfunder


Many thanks to Matt from Renegade Brewery, Andy from Elusive Brew and the folks at White Hag for sending us these beers for free, this didn’t influence our thoughts. Thanks also to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week.

Hopinions 28 “Berkshire”

This week we’re joined once again by Ruth Mitchell to guide us through the beery delights that Berkshire has to offer. We also place our bets on who we think will be the next UK buy out as well as covering two polls. It’s a long one folks…

Beers | Renegade ‘Craft Lager’, Elusive Brewing ‘Plan B’ & ‘Level Up (Level 6)’, Wild Weather/Weird Beard ‘Kwantum State’ and Binghams ‘Vanilla Stout’

Hopinions | When you say “dank” what are you referring to? & Do you overlook your local breweries?

Prizeless Prize | For the first time in a while, the big box of nothing leaves UK shores and heads to Son0vagun in Ireland

Links | Beer Nouveau’s crowd funding plans | NE Sippin Forecast podcast | Carlsberg plans to buy a UK craft brewery | Our Facebook page


Apologies for the slight issues with the sound/background noise in this episode. We were unaware of the audible hum in the room until the edit.

We are grateful that some of the breweries gave us these beers for free to feature on the show and this did not impact on our thoughts on them.