Tag: IPA (Page 9 of 13)

Hopinions 40 “Cellaring”

Picture courtesy of Matt Chinnery

We’re back for season 4 and celebrating our first Hopinions birthday with some friends from Essex. This week we’re joined by Justin Mason & Matt Chinnery as we raid Justin’s cellar and drink some big beers.

Beers | Sierra Nevada ‘Bigfoot’ (2013), JW Lees ‘Harvest Ale’ (2010), The Kernel ‘IPA Stella’ (2012), Magic Rock ‘Bourbon Barrel Bearded Lady’ (2013) & Thomas Hardy’s ‘Old Ale’ (2007)

Hopinions | Do you buy beers with the intention of cellaring/ageing them?

GBBF Blog Links | Martin | Boak & Bailey | Pete Brown

Other Links | Our Facebook beers of August | Beer by Beer launches | Temper Tantrum homebrew competition

Want a t-shirt? | Get our latest Hopinions design here


Many thanks to Liquorice in Shenfield for letting us use their tasting room to record this week

Hopinions on Films | Raiders of the Lost Ark

Grab your hat and whip, get your adventuring shoes on a join us for another classic film. Beer Merchants have put together this Raiders of the Lost Ark themed box for you to drink along with us.

This time we join Indiana Jones on his first adventure as he travels around the world fighting Nazis and saving the world (and the girl). This time we chose a lottery system for the beers, but once again, feel free to enjoy them in whatever way you want as you cheer Indy on to victory.

Here’s what Beer Merchants said about why they chose these beers…

Hacker-Pschorr ‘Munchner Kellerbier’ | very German

Red Hook ‘IPA’ | Old school American

Flying Dog ‘Snake Dog IPA’ | SNAKES

Kona ‘Fire Rock’ | coz the Staff of Ra was hot

Kees ‘Barrel Project #9’ | Archived away like the ark at the end of the film

Siren ‘Liquid Mistress’ | Because Marion is epic at drinking. And kinda hot.

Lervig ‘Hazy Days’ | Just an amazing film beer

Vibrant Forest ‘Kaleidoscope’ | Amazing new British beer


We were sent this box for free by Beer Merchants but this hasn’t influenced our thoughts on any of the beers or on just how great Raiders of the Lost Ark is.

Outro from The Human Tim, check out the full version and more on You Tube here.

Hopinions 35 “Go To”

This week we’re out on the road again, recording from The Hoop & Grapes in Farringdon and we’re joined by guest John West from the I’ll Explain Later podcast.

Beers | Whitstable Bay ‘Pale’, Shepherd Neame ‘Brilliant Ale’, ‘India Pale Ale’ & ‘Double Stout’

Hopinions | Are ‘go to’ beers a part of your drinking regime?

#PrizelessPrize | The big box of nothing heads back to Essex and into the hands of PlymShaun

Links |  Check out the I’ll Explain Later podcast here | Martin’s original ‘Go To Beers’ post

Listener Survey | We’d really appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete our listener survey. This will help us continue to tailor the podcast so that it’s exactly what you want to hear


Many thanks to John from Shepherd Neame and Mike from the Hoop & Grapes for providing the room for recording and the beers that we had for free. This didn’t impact on our views of the beers that we had.

Hopinions 33 “Spoons”

This week we’re on location recording from The Battesford Court Wetherspoons in Witham.

Beers | Adnams ‘Mosaic Pale Ale’, Uprising ‘Treason’, Oakham ‘Green Devil’ & Six Point ‘Resin’

Hopinions | Wetherspoons?

#PrizelessPrize | This week the big box of nothing heads back into the hands of Son0vagun

Part II | Of our Rhythm & Brews crossover is now available here

Listener Survey | We’d really appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete our listener survey. This will help us continue to tailor the podcast so that it’s exactly what you want to hear

Hopinions 32 “#CraftBeerHour”

This week, we hosted #CraftBeerHour running live polls and drinking beers from the supermarket. Here’s the result…

Beers | Flying Dog ‘Numero Uno’, Harbour ‘Little Rock IPA’, Hitachino Nest ‘White’ Ale, Northern Monk ‘New World IPA’ & Redwell ‘Kofra Stout’

Hopinions | Supermarket buying choices – check the polls out here

#PrizelessPrize | The big box of nothing goes to first time winner Joe Hill

Links | Craig Garvie on RateBeer | Discounts on your beer from some great independent stockists |

Listener Survey | We’d really appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete our listener survey. This will help us continue to tailor the podcast so that it’s exactly what you want to hear


Craft Beer Hour is the brainchild of Tom and runs on Twitter every Tuesday between 9pm & 10pm, to get involved use #CraftBeerHour. You can sign up for samples and check the full schedule of hosts on the website here. We’re grateful to Tom for letting us bring Hopinions ‘live’ to Craft Beer Hour this week.

Hopinions on Films | Back to the Future

Here we go then folks… strap yourselves in, crack open your Hippo Beers Behemoth Box and floor the accelerator until you hit 88.8mph.

In our first Hopinions on Films special we ‘pair’ the following beers with Back to the Future, a timeless classic about the time travelling adventures of Marty Mcfly. We chose to drink the beers along with certain scenes to see if that made any difference to the beer or the film, we’ve included our selection and reasoning below, but feel free to enjoy in any way.

Marble ‘Ember City’ | intro scene & Marty goes to school / a beer from the Marble Metal series seemed to make sense here. You know why.

Drakes ‘IPA’ | after school / here we get to see more of Hill Valley which is quintessentially American. Made sense to drink with an American IPA.

Yeastie Boys ‘Pot Kettle Black’ | Twin Pines Mall / this is a night time scene, which felt right for a dark porter

Basqueland Brewing Project ‘Arraun’ | 1955 / there’s a lot going on in the time when Marty first makes it back to 1955, so we thought a beer that describes itself a complex red ale would make perfect sense

Omnipollo ‘Mazarin’ | Marty meets Lorraine / some of the best time travel paradoxing goes on during this scene, so we thought an easy drinking beer would work perfectly

Cromarty ‘Kool Runnings’ | the skateboard chase / the name of this beer lends itself perfectly to one of the most memorable scenes from the film

Jolly Pumpkin ‘ Calabaza Blanca’ | going to the ball / arguably one of the most uncomfortable sequences in the film, matched perfectly with a wild saison with orange zest & coriander

Weird Beard ‘Sadako’ | the end of the ball and back to 1985 / the film has a big memorable finish, and what better way to see it out than with a big impy stout?


We were sent this box for free by Hippo Beers but this hasn’t influenced our thoughts on any of the beers or on just how great Back to the Future is.

Hopinions 30 “Music” (Part I)

In our latest crossover episode, we sit down with Luke & Andrew from the Rhythm & Brews podcast to discuss whether music makes beer taste better.

Beer | Brewdog ‘Live East Coast Crush’, ‘Jackhammer’ and ‘Nitro Jet Black Heart’

Hopinions | Is your drinking experience heightened by the right music?

Prizeless Prize | The big box of nothing comes back to the UK with this stunner from Gammon Baron

Part II | Check out Rhythm & Brews podcast due to be released on 20 June. In the meantime, why not check out their back catalogue here.

Listener Survey | We’d really appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete our listener survey. This will help us continue to tailor the podcast so that it’s exactly what you want to here.


We’re really grateful to Brewdog Shoreditch for helping us out with the space for recording this weeks show. Next time you’re in the area, make sure to pop in for a beer.

Irish Beer Report 05 – Boundary

In the latest Irish Beer Report we enjoy a couple of beers from Boundary Brewing in Belfast.

| D’etre passion fruit saison

| Forever Ago NE style IPA


We’ve been sent these beers for free by the folks at Boundary Brewing but this hasn’t influenced our thoughts on the beers that we featured.

Hopinions 26 “Geekery”

It’s our season finale… Martin recaps a recent trip to Coventry and Steve gets a bit angry about Brewdog. Again.

We also get our geek on and spend a LOT of time talking about Marvel & DC’s cinematic/television universes

Beer | Deya ‘Steady Rolling Man’, Burning Soul ‘Oct IPA’ & Adnams ‘Both Barrels’

Hopinions | Geekery – Is yours just limited to beer?

Prizeless Prize | A first time winner for the last big box of nothing of the season, congrats to The Ale Lady

Blogs | Good Beer Hunting looking at the Yeastie Boys contract brewing issuesMidlands Beer Blog original post about The Wolf in Birmingham & Martin’s thoughts on his trip to Coventry

Hopinions 24 “Blown Away”

This week we’re back in the studio and chatting about beers that have blown us away. We also get around to finally reviewing the Alltech Craft Brews & Food Festival that we attended a few weeks ago.

Beers | Pirate Life ‘Throwback IPA’, ‘IPA’ & ‘IIPA’

Hopinions | When was the last time you had a beer that blew you away & what was it?

Prizeless Prize | Stewards enquiry is ongoing for this week’s winner from Sparkyrite

Blogs | Mark Johnson responds to last week’s show with a great piece of writing about his passion for the pub

Interview | We talk to Sean from Pirate Life about bringing great Australian beer to the UK

*Apologies for the slight overlap at the end of this show, some technical gremlins interfered with our normally perfect production


We were given these beers for free from the folks at Pirate Life but this hasn’t impacted on our views of just how great they bloodywell are.

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