Tag: IPA (Page 13 of 13)

Episode 45 – Snake Dog IPA

Steve and Mark venture across the pond yet again, this time for the Snake Dog IPA from the Flying Dog brewery.

Also in this episode, Steve’s interview with crowd-sourced brewery, Hop Stuff.

All this, and the usual beery chatter you’ve come to know and love (right?), it’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 44 – M&S Citra IPA

It’s Beer O’Clock, and the boys are joined once again by #3 (formerly #1) fan, Stath AKA Cricket Geoff. Eh?

They drink an easy-to-get Marks & Spencers Citra IPA, and along with the usual beery chat and banter, we also have some clips from the Harviestoun  brewery tap takeover recently held in some pub in London… yes, Mark types these notes up.


Episode 42 – Hardknott Infrared

We venture into the wilds of Sainsburys this week, for the Great British Beer Hunt, and a bottle of Hardknott’s red IPA, Infrared.

Along with special guest Dave (@pixellated), Mark & Steve sniff and ponder and sniff again as they try and decide just what the beer smells like using Special Beer Snob sniffing techniques!

This, as well as a roundup of the Craft Beer Social Club’s opening night, and other beery chatter – it’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 40 – Goose Island IPA

The boys are back for Season 3 of the Beer O’Clock Show, with a supermarket staple AMERICAN ale, all the way from Chicago – Goose Island IPA.  Will they be able to handle such exotica? Listen and see!

Plus the drawing of our Innis & Gunn giveaway, and the usual beery news and chatter. It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 24 – Thornbridge Jaipur

Steve and Mark hit it out of the park this week, courtesy of a beer from one of our favourite breweries.

We also talk about the beer we’ve sampled during the week, a pub Mark can’t remember the name of, and much more.

Send us your clips! Have a beer review of your own, or something to contribute? Let us know!

Episode 11 – Brewdog Punk IPA

This week’s feature beer: Brewdog Punk IPA

Steve and Mark sample a beer mentioned previously on the show but as yet untested in detail, an IPA from a Scottish brewery with character (the brewery or the beer? Listen and find out!)

Also our usual weekly personal assignments, listener feedback, and more!

Episode 2 – Greene King IPA

Episode 2 of the Beer O’Clock Show

Featured Beer: Greene King IPA

Join Steve and Mark as they discuss the first IPA to ever pass Mark’s lips. Will he like it? Or will be consider it, in the words of one listener, ‘boke’?

Grab a bottle, sit back, and relax.


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