Tag: IPA (Page 12 of 13)

Episode 109 – Krakatoa


Our 6 nations tour takes us back to Italy this week with Retorto’s Krakatoa IPA, courtesy of the fantastic folk from Beers From Italy.

In the news we chat festivals and new bars, and for our new ‘Hop Topic’ feature we discuss how much you’d be willing to pay for a meet the brewer event. Let us know your thoughts or give us something to discuss by tweeting us using #HopTopic

There’s yet another first time winner in the #prizelessprize and we also share how you can now get new episodes straight into your inbox every Friday.

It’s Beer O’Clock!


Quick reminder about our 3 Eebria competitions 

Winners will be announced on the show that we’ll record on Monday 1 June and via Twitter.

Episode 90 – Five Points IPA


This week we’re joined by Peter McKerry from Drunken Cinema to review the newly released Five Points Brewing Co’s IPA, now available from Ales By Mail.

There’s an interview with Doreen from Five Points, we chat with Peter about his blog and marvel at the majesticness of his beard.

This plus the return of the pips, news about the Crimbo Crawl, chatter and another stunning #PrizelessPrize.

It’s beerd o’clock!

Episode 89 – Vienna IPA


Oh VIENNAAAAAAAAAAA! (Sorry about that) This week we review the winner of the Thornbridge/Waitrose homebrew contest, Graham Nelson’s Vienna IPA (stockists here). We’re also joined by Graham and Thornbridge head brewer Rob Lovatt to chat about the beer, competition and brewing in general.

There’s hardly as news this week as Brewdog didn’t write anything for us, but we announce the winners of our Beer 52 competitions and there’s the #prizelessprize Instagram of the week.

All this plus updates about our Crimbo Crawl and all of the usual beery banter – it’s beer o’clock!

Episode 82 – ReAle


It’s the second Italian beer of the season, again courtesy of the lovely blokes at Beers From Italy, this time a 6.4% American pale ale called ReAle. How will it fair when under the scrutiny of the hop-monster Steve?

To celebrate Podcast Day, we round up the best beercasts around, including 11pm Somewhere, The Irish Beer Snob and Steve & Roland’s Beer Podcast. Plus there’s some bonus footage from our little collab with the AhhGee Podcast, the previously unheard Team AhhGee vs Team Beer O’clock.

All this plus the beery news and this week’s #PrizelessPrize

It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 68 – Marble Dobber

This week the boys tuck into the beer that won the Beer O’Clock Show’s “UK’s Top IPA” poll, Dobber IPA from Marble Brewery. Will they appreciate its award-winning hoppage?

Also! An interview with Marble Brewery and your very own chance to win a bottle of Dobber – listen to find out how!

In this week’s news Brewdog, Summer Brew Fest & Beers East Anglia plus loads of chatter and opinions – oh my! It’s Beer O’Clock!

UK Top Ten IPAs


The list came about due to the inspiration found in Andy Parker’s recent blog ‘Rule Britannia’ where Andy talks about “coveting beers from the US”. The task itself, was simple wasn’t it? Take to the Twittersphere to gain opinion as to a favoured ten or so beers and put them into the list. Only it wasn’t that simple. WIthin a couple of hours the list has reached 50-odd suggestions and things were running away with me, so I once again took to the Twittersphere to ask for advice and was offered the following suggestions…

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Episode 54 – Hop Stuff Renegade IPA

And we’re back! And we are kicking off Season 4 with the first of what will be a few beers sourced from breweries in London (with a mix, throughout the season, of beers from other parts of the country, naturally!). This week it’s Hop Stuff brewery’s Renegade IPA!

Plus plenty of beery chat! It’s Beer O’Clock!

Golden Pints 2013

Golden Pints LogoThis is my first time with the Golden Pints – I thought it would be quite easy but when you start thinking, and I mean REALLY thinking about each of the categories, it becomes quite tough and a real challenge. So after much thought and deliberation  and more than one or two checks of Untappd, here are my entries for the Golden Pints 2013…

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