Tag: IPA (Page 11 of 13)

Episode 157 – The End of The Road

IMG_7576It’s our last ever show and we’re live from Hop Burns & Black in what was an emotional evening as we said goodbye.

Featuring two collab brews that we made – ‘Echo Peach’ our salted peach IPA with Northern Monk and ‘Starship Fleet: Wave 2’ with Elusive Brewing. We’re also joined by Andy Parker from Elusive Brewing as we try his collab in a cask vs keg tasting.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our listeners for sticking with us for the last 4 years and for engaging in all of our madness. Thank you also to all of the suppliers, shops, breweries, brewers, event organisers that we’ve worked with over the years, it truly has been our pleasure.

For one last time folks, it’s Beer O’clock!



Images courtesy of Justin Mason (top) and Matt Curtis (bottom)

Episode 153 – Homebrew Special #8

HB8This week it’s all about those homebrewers again! In what will now be our last ever Hombrew Special we are joined by Rob Woodland, Paul Hadfield and Rich Caller as they share their beers with us.

Rob gives us ‘Prime’ an American IPA with no bittering hops, from Paul we have single hopped saison ‘Springtime in Amarillo’ and Rich gives us ‘Dim and Peckish’, a barrel aged extra stout with added brett.

Plus we get the guys thoughts on the new Brewdog homebrew competition and there’s another #Hopinions.

Steve refuses to issue a #prizelessprize this week as he believes his picture should have won it so eventually settles on this one.

It’s Beer O’clock!


For tickets to our last ever live show at Hop Burns & Black click here

Episode 148 – Session IPA & Shape Shifter

fourpureWe’re back for season 10 and it’s an exciting season for us as every beer has been selected by one of our listeners.

First up is Martin Oates who blogs at Beer Is The Answer and who selected two Fourpure IPAs – their session IPA and the new Shape Shifter West Coast IPA. Both beers right up Mark’s street!

We chat about what we got up to while we’ve been off air, Steve is put in his place in this week’s #hoptopic and the new an improved #prizelessprize is awarded for the first time.

It’s Beer O’clock!


Check out Martin’s blog about his trip to Fourpure here

Minisode 02 – It’s A Kind Of Magic

image2This had to happen one day.  But it needed it’s own space, it’s own show, it simply couldn’t be part of a normal season…

In this one-off special we take a taste of Magic Rock Brewing‘s recent High Wire canned released and also Steve’s all time favourite beer, Cannonball.

It’s a kind of magic!

Episode 134 – Viven Imperial

FullSizeRenderWe’re back for another season of beer fueled fun! Season 9 is here and we’re finally taking on the Belgians with thanks to Beautiful Beers in Bury St Edmunds.

First up is Brouwerij van Viven’s ‘Imperial IPA’…

Also on this week’s show, there’s a recap of the biggest news stories from the last month, the #prizelessprize returns and we talk about the most important thing about bar choice in #HopTopic.

It’s Beer o’clock!

Revisited 08 – Sierra Nevada Double


To finish our Revisited series, we go back to the first American beer we ever tasted and the one which we feel gave us our ‘beery revelation’, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

If that wasn’t enough, we also take on the pale’s bigger and badder brother, Torpedo IPA to see this series off in style.

It’s Beer O’clock. Revisited.

Click here to listen back to the original review of the Pale Ale in episode 18

Revisited 07 – Bengal Lancer


For this revisited we head back to a beer we tackled in one of our early shows, Fuller’s Bengal Lancer IPA.

The first time round we struggled to identify some flavours, how will we get on this time?

It’s Beer O’clock. Revisited.

Click here to listen back to the original review in episode 6

Episode 120 – Jack of Clubs & Queen of Hearts

It’s another double episode this week as we take on Wild Card Brewery’s Jack of Clubs Ruby Red and Queen of Diamonds IPA. Plus there’s an interview with the girls behind Wild Card Brewery.

It’s a slow news week, so in the news we reveal a season 8 new beer and in #HoptTopic we ask “what’s the most you’ve paid/would be willing to pay for a beer?”

There’s a return to form in the #prizelessprize and we preview our Crimbo Crawl.

It’s Beer O’clock!

Episode 119 – Jakehead IPA

This week we head to the North East to drink a beer that recently won the 100 Hottest Beers in Britian, Wylam Brewery’s Jakehead IPA.

In the news we’ve got the lowdown on this year’s Indy Man, the #BigBeeryNight and in #HopTopic we talk about the recent Heineken investment into Lagunitas.

All this plus another first time winner of a big box of nothing in the #prizelessprize.

It’s Beer O’clock!

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