Category: BOcS Season 3 (Page 1 of 2)

Episode 53 – Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale

It’s the end of Season 3, and end of 2013 for the Beer O’Clock Show (in audio, anyway!), and we top the season off in style with a much-anticipated ale from US brewer, Stone.

All this, and beery chatter about our Crimbo Crawl, with audio clips from various attendees, and much more – it’s Beer O’Clock! Merry Christmas!


Episode 52 – Black Tongue

This week, we dive into a murky black sea of ROCK AND ROLL as we taste Signature Brew’s double black IPA, Black Tongue, brewed in partnership with taking-over-the-world heavy-smiths Mastodon!

The boys are also joined by Signature Brew’s brewer, Tom!

This and our usual beery chatter – it’s Beer O’Clock

Episode 51 – Rogue Mocha Porter

This week we review another ale from the Colonies – Rogue Mocha Porter from Orgeon!

Joining us in the virtual BOC studios is @SaintGlenn from – a gentleman and a scholar, make no mistake!

All this, and a bonus interview at the end! It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 50 – Fullers 2012 Vintage Ale

We’re 50! Well, 50 episodes old at least, and it’s a very special episode with a very special beer: Fuller’s 2012 Vintage Ale.

How will Steve and Mark enjoy a beer they’ve been holding on to for over a year? Will they drift off into hours of reminiscing? How have they last this long, anyway?

All this and the usual beery chatter – it’s beer o’clock!

Episode 49 – Kona Fire Rock

Another trip across the pond, and feeling the sand between our hairy toes as we walk the beaches of Hawaii (at least in our minds) for this week’s beer: Kona’s Fire Rock Pale Ale.

Also, updates on all manner of Beer O’Clock Show goodness! Upcoming milestones, christmas crawls, and more!

It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 48 – Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale

This week we paddle across the pond (and across land a bit) to the Sierra Nevada mountains in California for a barley wine style ale as another feature of this season’s US Beer Adventure. It’s a Bigfoot Ale from Sierra Nevada.

We’re joined this week by Mark Kelly from the Beer Boutique in South London for some light-hearted, beer-related chatter.

It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 47 – Homebrew Special #1

It’s a huge show this week, with FIVE guests joining Steve and Mark in the BoCS studios for our first ever Homebrew special, with four – FOUR – different beers. Hoo boy.

We have the mighty DOODY from Still Thinking with his saison Monarch.

Chris and Emma from Crema Brewery and their Red Snow Rye

Andy from Elusive Brewing with his DIPA

and @Andrew_Drinks from a Brewery Yet To Be Named with his black IPA

No beery chatter – no beery news. Just wall-to-wall beer! It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 46 – Red Rocket Ale

It’s Beer O’clock, and time for another trip across the pond. This week, the boys sample Bear Republic’s Red Rocket Ale from Sanoma County in California.

PLUS Steve gets an extra review in of one of his new favourite beers from the Stone brewery.

PLUS!! Steve also gets a chance to talk to one of his adulthood heroes. And no, it’s not Mark…

All this and more!

Episode 45 – Snake Dog IPA

Steve and Mark venture across the pond yet again, this time for the Snake Dog IPA from the Flying Dog brewery.

Also in this episode, Steve’s interview with crowd-sourced brewery, Hop Stuff.

All this, and the usual beery chatter you’ve come to know and love (right?), it’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 44 – M&S Citra IPA

It’s Beer O’Clock, and the boys are joined once again by #3 (formerly #1) fan, Stath AKA Cricket Geoff. Eh?

They drink an easy-to-get Marks & Spencers Citra IPA, and along with the usual beery chat and banter, we also have some clips from the Harviestoun  brewery tap takeover recently held in some pub in London… yes, Mark types these notes up.


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