Author: mark (Page 6 of 11)

Episode 60 – Fade To Black

A HUGE episode this week, where not only do the boys review Weird Beard’s black IPA Fade To Black, but they’re also joined by Andy Parker (@tabamatu) of Elusive Brewing and award-winning home brewer, but we have two – count ’em! – interviews: first with Fergus of Adnams and Alex of Camden Town, talking about their recent collaboration brew South Town, and secondly with Weird Beard themselves.

It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 55 – The Ridge and Broken Dial

It’s a Scottish triple-header this week as not only are we joined by #1 fan, and actual Scottish person, DOODY (aka Michael), but we have TWO (count ’em!) beers from favoured Scottish brewery Harviestoun: The Ridge and Broken Dial. What do our trio of beer reviewers think?

That, plus we catch up with how the Sheffield Crawl went (someone had a belly-full of Canonball, we hear…) and more! It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 54 – Hop Stuff Renegade IPA

And we’re back! And we are kicking off Season 4 with the first of what will be a few beers sourced from breweries in London (with a mix, throughout the season, of beers from other parts of the country, naturally!). This week it’s Hop Stuff brewery’s Renegade IPA!

Plus plenty of beery chat! It’s Beer O’Clock!

Episode 53 – Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale

It’s the end of Season 3, and end of 2013 for the Beer O’Clock Show (in audio, anyway!), and we top the season off in style with a much-anticipated ale from US brewer, Stone.

All this, and beery chatter about our Crimbo Crawl, with audio clips from various attendees, and much more – it’s Beer O’Clock! Merry Christmas!


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